...created to assist the church in uniting to see a deep transformation take place.  For three years, CRY OUT AMERICA has witnessed prayer gatherings in all 50 states, including all 38 US counties with one-million or more population.  We have seen denominations join hands and hearts for a time such as this.  God has called His people into a spirit of repentance, sacred assembly around the Lord's table, breaking down barriers, healing relationships, strengthening communities, and uniting the body of Christ.  9-11 has become an extraordinary day of united prayer across our nation!


Every County, Every State, Every Heart, Every Church

September 11, 2001...a moment that forever changed America.  Collapsing structures, a culture of fear, emotional despair, increasing terrorism, and the encroachment of Islam...Many believe 9-11 was a prophetic spiritual alarm for this century.  How should the CHURCH respond to these spiritual realities of the 21st century?

On 9-11-11, the churches of our nation will pause to remember the tenth anniversary of this greatest "wake-up call" moment in our generation.  On this unique day of remembrance, the Awakening America Alliance is issuing a call for Christians across the nation to unite in powerful prayer for every county, every state, every heart and EVERY CHURCH.

Since September 11, 2011 is on Sunday, every local church in America should set a time to corporately pray for a new Christ awakening in the United States.

We are also asking Christian believers to gather that same Sunday afternoon at county courthouses, places of worship, and other public venues nationwide for a time of united prayer to CRY OUT to God for their community and for the spiritual condition of our nation.

To discover how to get your church involved and to personally participate in this history making prayer movement you can visit www.awakeningamerica.us/cry-out-america or call us at 1-888-9AWAKEUS (1-888-929-2538). 

You can also contact the State of Florida Coordinator, Rev. Jesten Peters, at 813-681-1379, e-mail address [email protected].